C.I.Be.C.’s activities: publications, cultural heritage,
events and collaborations
All the activities
See all the scientific-cultural activities at the following link
- Catalog “Scienziati-Artisti. Formazione e ruolo degli ingegneri nelle fonti dell’Archivio di Stato e della Facoltà di Ingegneria” and proceedings of the congress “Dalla Scuola di Applicazione alla Facoltà di Ingegneria. La cultura napoletana nell’evoluzione della scienza e della didattica del costruire” (2003)
- “Recommendations for the formulation of projects and implementation of interventions for the conservation of the archaeological built heritage” (2009)
- “Engineering and Cultural Heritage”, the first Italian treatise on Engineering and Cultural Heritage (2017).
- “The Roman Baths from Pompeii to Cuma” (2020).
- “Conservation and Restoration of Built Heritage” (2022).
Cultural heritage
- Organizing 4th National Congress “L’inserzione del nuovo nel vecchio” (2001)
- Series of congresses, in collaboration with the Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici delle Province di Napoli e Caserta, on “Glass and Cultural Resources” (1998 – 2001 -2003)
- Organizing, in collaboration with the National Association for the Recuperation of the Built Environment (ARCo) and the Soprintendenza ai Beni Architettonici di Napoli of the 5th National congress “Maintenance and restoration in the Historical city centre. Conservation and Norms: recent experiences” (2004).
- Establishing of the first postgraduate course in Italy in Engineering for Cultural Heritage (2006) and of the first course on Engineering for Archeology (2014).
- Restoration of some teaching models belonging to the Scuola di Applicazione degli ingegneri di Napoli.
- Constitution of the Italian Association of the History of Engineering (A.I.S.I.) and organization of several editions of the National Congresses of History of Engineering every two years (2006 – 2020)
Over the years, in addition to the above mentioned editorial and educational activities, the C.I.Be.C. has carried out several works in collaboration with institutions and institutions: they are all available here.