C.I.Be.C. Activities
Other cultural and scientific activities
Cibec collaborated with the National Association for the Recovery of the Built (ARCo) – engaged in the spreading of the researches on maintenance and recovery in the historic city – to the organization of the IV National Conference “The insertion of the new in the old” held at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome. June 7-8, 2001.
Together with the State Archives, the C.I.Be.C. organized an Exhibition-Conference on the History of Engineering in the Mezzogiorno. The Conference was held on 5.6.2002 at the State Archives and on 6.6.2002 at the Faculty of Engineering. The catalogue of the exhibition “Scientists-Artists. Training and role of engineers in the sources of the State Archives and the Faculty of Engineering” was published by Electa Napoli, 2003. The proceedings of the Conference entitled “From the School of Application to the Faculty of Engineering. Neapolitan culture in the evolution of the science and teaching of building” are published by Hevelius Editore, 2003.
In collaboration with the Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici delle Province di Napoli e Caserta, CIBeC organized a series of three Congresses on “Glass and Cultural Resources”. The first congress took place at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli on 5, 6, 7 December 2001. The second one took place at the Museo Archeologico, Baia on 4/5 June 2004. The third congress took place at the Istituto Universitario Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli on 22/23 May 2003.
CIBeC collaborated with the National Association for the Recuperation of the Built Environment (ARCo) and Soprintendenza ai Beni Architettonici di Napoli in organizing the V National Congress “Maintenance and restoration in the Historical city centre. Conservation and Norms: recent experiences” held on 4/5 June 2004 at the Castello di Baia (Napoli).
CIBeC promoted the constitution of the Italian Association of the History of Engineering (A.I.S.I.), with its headquarters in the Centro and prof. Salvatore D’Agostino as its president. A.I.S.I. organized several editions of the National Congress of History of Engineering: the first one on March 2006, the second one on April 2008, the third one on April 2010, the fourth one on April 2020. All Congresses took place at the Centro Congressi of the Naples University Federico II, the fifth one, organized as international conference, was held on May 2014.
(click on the images to see all the editions)
CIBeC has set up a Research Group made up of F. Cairoli Giuliani, M.L. Conforto, S. D’Agostino, E. Guidoboni dealing with the conservation of architecture in the state of ruins. The Group has drawn up the “Recommendations for the formulation of projects and implementation of interventions for the conservation of the archaeological built heritage” published, both in italian and english, by Editore Cuzzolin on September 2009. These recommendations are on-line available for free on the site of Ministero per le Attività Culturali and became object of public debate.
CIBEC promoted the publication of the first Italian treatise on Engineering and Cultural Heritage by Salvatore D’Agostino published by “Il Mulino” in 2017.
CIBEC promoted the publication of the book “The Roman Baths from Pompeii to Cuma” by Francesco Romana D’Ambrosio Alfano, published by the Delfino Publisher in 2020.
The C.I.Be.C. promoted the publication of the text “Conservation and Restoration of Built Heritage” by Salvatore D’Agostino, the CRC Press, Group Taylor & Francis, London 2022.
Since 2006, the C.I.Be.C. has established the first postgraduate course in Italy in Engineering for Cultural Heritage, reaching its 16th edition in 2022. Furthermore, it has established the first course on Engineering for Archeology in 2014, that reached its 8th edition in 2021. C.I.Be.C. is also in the process of setting up the following further specialization courses: “Monuments and earthquakes”; “Geotechnics for the Historic Built Heritage”; “The quality of the environments for the Conservation of Museum Assets”.
C.I.Be.C. preserves some teaching models belonging to the former Engineering School of Application of Naples. They were part of a more extensive collection, once located in the Gabinetto di Costruzioni in the former monastery of Donnaromita in via Mezzocannone, the School’s original premises; the Centro has recently overseen their scrupulous restoration.