Veduta dei templi di Paestum

C.I.Be.C. Collaboration

Paestum – temples



The Istituto Centrale per il Restauro stipulated a convention with CIBeC for “Drawing up a diagnostic programme on structural issues in the temples at Paestum”


Istituto Centrale per il Restauro


Definition of the structural conditions of the Temples of Athena and Nettuno in the archaeological area of Paestum


  • Brief history of restoration interventions
  • Analysis of the state of static-structural conservation of the Temples
  • Note on the instrumental seismicity recorded at Paestum
  • Analysis and documentation of the situation of cracks identified for the Temple of Athena
  • On site tests: deformometric analysis; thermographic analysis; georadar with full polar antenna; sonic measurements using oscilloscope
  • Project for structural monitoring of the Temple of Athena
  • Final report

PERIOD: March 2006 – September 2006

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