Dettaglio di una pavimentazione ad Ercolano

C.I.Be.C. Collaboration

Villa dei papiri – Ercolano (1st convention)



The Soprintendenza appointed CIBeC to carry out a geotechnical study on the stability of the scarps, a feasibility study of a pedestrian walkway halfway up the existing scarp and a study in view of planning and carrying out the archaeological excavation of the first floor of Villa dei Papiri


Soprintendenza Archaeologica di Pompei


  • Evaluation of the security of the scarps
  • Project and implementation of programmed archaeological excavation of the first floor of Villa dei Papiri
  • Geotechnical-construction feasibility study of a walkway halfway up the existing scarp in the Villa area


  • Geological report on the site of Ercolano
  • Geotechnical investigation at Ercolano, with stratigraphies and probes
  • Geotechnical laboratory tests
  • Triaxial stress tests on samples of grey tuff from Villa dei Papiri
  • Geotechnical report on stability of scarps
  • Note on securisation of area affected by a falling block
  • Report on design and implementation of archaeological excavation and lay-out of the first floorof Villa dei Papiri
  • Report on geotechnical and construction feasibility of a walkway halfway up the existing scarp in the Villa dei Papiri area, Ercolano.

PERIOD: January 2004 – July 2006

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